Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys
Posted : admin On 12.12.2020Nov 29, 2012 Building an iOS signing key for PhoneGap in Windows « Back 29 November 2012 One of the tasks I had to overcome when building a hybrid application that I’ve been working on was how to generate an iOS signing key that’s required by PhoneGap Build in order to generate iOS. Make sure no private key is selected. Enter your user email address and common name. Use the same address and name as you used to register in the iOS Developer Program. No CA Email Address is required. 4.Select the options “Saved to disk” and “Let me specify key pair information” and click Continue. 5.Specify a filename and click Save. IOS - Client Distribution Process for New Apps; iOS - Updating an Existing App under your Apple Developer Account; iOS - Getting Started with Apple Developer; iOS - How to Create an App ID; iOS - How to Create a Push Notification Certificate; iOS - How to Create a Distribution Certificate; iOS - How to Create a Provisioning Profile.
I'm developing an iOS Framework based on Objective-C that needs to generate Elliptic Curve KeyPair by Software, in order to retrieve the PrivateKey, encrypt and store it. This PrivateKey is used later to sign (with the SecKeyRawSign method) and the signature will be sent back to the server, where will be checked with the PublicKey.
To achieve the generation I'm using the Keychain (not the Secure Enclave), in this way I'm able to retrieve both Key also as CFDataRef.
Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys List
Now I need to encrypt the PrivateKey, and I can't just encrypt the entire byte array, otherwise when I will try to decrypt it with a wrong password, I will not be able to reconstruct anywhere the Key, and the sign method will fail, exposing me to offline attacks. What I'm saying is that, when I will decrypt the Key, I would like to receive a well format key, but obviously not the correct one, so I can generate a signature and delegate to the server the verification and how to handle the error.
So, how can I encrypt this byte array of the PrivateKey?
Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys Download
Everything is already implemented, also the encryption and decryption methods, I need just to extract 'a part' of the PrivateKey and encrypt just that, but how can I do this?