Keytool Generate Public Private Key Pair

Posted : admin On 15.12.2020

Before you use the P6 EPPM Web Services encryption and digital signatures features you need to generate a public/private key pair.

To generate a Java keystore and public/private key pair

Use the -genkeypair command to generate a key pair (a public key and associated private key). Wraps the public key in an X.509 v3 self-signed certificate, which is stored as a single-element certificate chain. This certificate chain and the private key are stored in a new keystore entry that is identified by its alias. To Use keytool to Create a Server Certificate. Run keytool to generate a new key pair in the default development keystore file, keystore.jks. This example uses the alias server-alias to generate a new public/private key pair and wrap the public key into a self-signed certificate inside keystore.jks. The key pair is generated by using an algorithm of type RSA, with a default.

Keytool Generate Public Private Key Pair Test

First, make sure that you are using the supported JDK version for this release. Refer to the Tested Configurations document for supported version information. Next, ensure that the bin folder of the JDK is set to your system path. Then perform the following steps:

Generate Public Private Key Pair Keytool

  1. On the Web Server where P6 EPPM Web Services is deployed, open a command prompt and execute the keytool command using the following as an example:

    keytool -validity 3600 -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias mykeys -keystore keystore.jks

    If necessary, modify the preceding command for your environment.

  2. Enter the appropriate information as prompted by the system prompts. For example: keystore password: demo123

    first and last name: demo user

    organizational unit: demo org

    organization: demo

    Powersaves pro license key generator. city: demo city

    state: demo state

    country code: us

    Type yes when prompted if the information is correct.
    Press enter when prompted to enter a key password (do not enter anything)


    • The proceeding responses are for example purposes only. Substitute the appropriate responses for your environment.
    • After performing the steps above your keystore will be generated in the location specified in step 1. The keystore contains the private key that will be used by P6 EPPM Web Services and the public key that will be used by the client. The P6 EPPM Web Services demo application is an example of a client that can be set up to use a public key.
    • Typically you will need to export the certificate containing the public key from the keystore and import that public key into a keystore accessible by the client. For the sake of clarity, this procedure documents how to use the same keystore for both the client and P6 EPPM Web Services.
  3. Copy the keystore to a location that is accessible by P6 EPPM Web Services and the P6 EPPM Web Services client application. The P6 EPPM Web Services Demo program is a client application. If P6 EPPM Web Services is on a different machine than P6 Professional, copy the keystore to both machines.

Related Topics

Java Keytool Generate Public Private Key Pair

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