Nexus Ssh Server Is Enabled Cannot Delete Generate The KeysPosted : admin On 13.12.2020Nexus Ssh Server Is Enabled Cannot Delete Generate The Keys Windows 107 Sep 2017CPOLFor my current hobby project, I’m using Git and GitHub regularly for the first time.I don’t like using source control via the command line (for Mercurial, I’m using TortoiseHG), so I’m still experimenting with several GUI clients in order to find the one I like best.At the moment, I’m evaluating the “official” GUI tools which come with the Git for Windows download (git-gui and gitk), and I started connecting to GitHub with SSH instead of user/password via https.So I created my first SSH key in Git GUI via Help ⇒ Show SSH key and then Generate Key:Aug 31, 2019 SSH public and private keys imported into user accounts that are remotely authenticated through a AAA protocol (such as RADIUS or TACACS+) for the purpose of SSH Passwordless File Copy will not persist when the Nexus device is reloaded unless a local user account with the same name as the remote user account is configured on the device before.Nov 29, 2017 Hello, In order to activate SSH I have configured 'ip http secure-server' command to generate some kind of a crypto key or certification, then I disable that command and SSH still works, but I don´t know if SSH will work after a reload, I cannot test because it is a production router.Creating a key pair (public key and private key) only takes a minute. The key files are usually stored in the /.ssh directory. Copy the key to a server. Once an SSH key has been created, the ssh-copy-id command can be used to install it as an authorized key on the server. Once the key has been authorized for SSH, it grants access to the server.If there is, then you can tell the ssh process to use this key with ip ssh rsa keypair-name xxx. If the first command doesn't show anything useful then I'd say you can go ahead and generate a new key. You don't list your complete ssh configuration, so it's hard to know what to remove. Try sh run inc ssh to see what's in there. In general ssh will start to work as soon as the process has a valid key.…and then tried to delete it again, because I created it with passphrase, but I wanted to try a new one without passphrase instead.But Git GUI didn’t let me delete it. Generating a key disables the Generate Key button, and there’s no Delete Key button:It’s obvious from the screenshot that the key is in a file named, which is in a folder .ssh somewhere on my machine, and that I apparently just needed to delete this file. Values for the primary key should be generated automatically. 26009 key generation failed informix.This is probably easy to solve for regular Git Bash / Linux users, but as a Windows user with no Git/Bash/Linux experience, it took me some time to find out how to do it.Here’s the solution:1. List All KeysShow the content of the .ssh folder in Git Bash:Apparently a SSH key consists of two files, in this case id_rsa and two github_rsa files are probably left from a previous GitHub Desktop installation some time ago)2. Delete the id_rsa FilesThe Bash command for deleting files is rm -f, so I needed to do this:After this, the files are gone:…and I can create a new SSH key by clicking Generate Key in the previously shown Git GUI window.Nexus Ssh Server Is Enabled Cannot Delete Generate The Keys Windows 10