Open Ss Generate Public Rsa Key With Big Number

Posted : admin On 12.12.2020

May 18, 2010  But public key authentication does not involve passwords. This article describes how to configure EFS keystore access while OpenSSH Public Key Authentication is used. It explains the procedure for automatic opening of EFS Keystore when ssh public key authentication is. In fact, you want to be even more restrictive, because of interoperability. For instance, the default RSA implementation in Windows (CryptoAPI) cannot process RSA public keys where the public exponent does not fit on 32 bits. There is no known security advantage to large public exponents over small public exponents. The comparatively short symmetric key is than encrypted with RSA. Both the RSA-encrypted symmetric key and the symmetrically-encypted message are transmitted to Alice. This service allows you to create an RSA key pair consisting of an RSA public key and an RSA private key. The RSA public key is used to encrypt the plaintext into a ciphertext. I have a 1024 bits private key, and use it to generate a public key. Does that automatically mean that my public key also has 1024 encryption? Or can it be of a lesser encryption size? (512, 256.) PS: What i'm mostly interested in, and talking about, is the size of the modulus ('n') in RSA keys. The size is typically 1024 or 2048 bits. Jan 09, 2018  Today, the RSA is the most widely used public-key algorithm for SSH key. But compared to Ed25519, it’s slower and even considered not safe if it’s generated with the key smaller than 2048-bit length. The Ed25519 public-key is compact. It only contains 68 characters, compared to RSA 3072 that has 544 characters. That hexadecimal number converted to decimal is this long ass number. It's 308 digits long! It's hard work to prove this number is prime but there's a great Integer Factorization Calculator that actually uses WebAssembly and your own local CPU to check such things. Expect to way a long time, sometimes until the heat death of the universe.


SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that enables secure remote connections between two systems. System admins use SSH utilities to manage machines, copy, or move files between systems. Because SSH transmits data over encrypted channels, security is at a high level.

This article will guide you through the most popular SSH commands. The list can also serve as a cheat sheet and will come in handy the next time you need to complete a task.

  • An SSH client of your choice
  • An SSH server on the remote machine
  • The IP address or name of the remote server

To connect to a remote machine, you need its IP address or name. Load the terminal or any SSH client and type ssh followed by the IP address:

or name:

The first time you connect to a host, you’ll see this message:

Type yes and hit enter. You may need to enter your password as well.

Open Ss Generate Public Rsa Key With Big Number

SSH uses the current user when accessing a remote server. To specify a user for an SSH connection, run the command in this format:

For instance:

By default, the SSH server listens for a connection on port 22. If the port setting in the SSH config file has been changed, you’ll need to specify the port. Otherwise, you will get this error:

To connect to a remote host with a custom SSH port number, use the -pflag. For example:

To improve the security of SSH connections, generate a key pair with the keygen utility. The pair consists of a public and private key. The public key can be shared, while the private key needs to stay secure.

SSH key pairs are used to authenticate clients to servers automatically. When you create an SSH key pair, there is no longer a need to enter a password to access a server. On the host machine’s terminal, use this command to create a key pair:

To use default settings, hit Enter on the prompts for file location and passphrase.

To use the key pair for SSH authentication, you’ll need to copy the public key to a server. The key is the file previously created with SSH keygen utility.

To copy your key to a server, run this command from the client:

You can also specify a username if you don’t want to use the current user.

Enter the password to authenticate when asked. After this, you will no longer need to use the password to connect to the same server.

You can securely copy files over the SSH protocol using the SCP tool. The basic syntax is:

For example, to copy a file sample3 to your Desktop on a remote server with a username test, type in:

The output shows a summary of the operation.

Make sure to use the uppercase-Pflag if you need to specify the port.

You can control how remote users can access a server via the SSH. Edit the settings in the sshd_config file to customize SSH server options. Make sure to edit only the options you are familiar with. A server can become inaccessible due to bad configuration.

Use the editor of your choice to edit the file. You’ll need superuser permissions to make changes. In Linux, we use vim:

In the command line on a remote host, type in:

Enter the sudo password, and the shell opens the file in the editor you used.

When you make changes to the SSH configuration, you’ll need to restart the service in Linux.

Depending on the Linux distro, run one of the following commands on the machine where you modified the settings:


Finally, enter the password to complete the process. As a result, the next SSH session will use the new settings.

Working on a remote server using SSH requires knowing basic SSH commands. Use the commands and options in this article to manage a remote host. Note that you can combine the flags to get the output you need.

Use the pwd command to show the file system path.

The output displays the location of the directory you are in.

To list the contents of a current working folder, use the ls command.

The shell will show the names of all directories, files, and links. To get more information, add one of the following flags:

  • -a displays hidden files and entries starting with a dot.
  • -l shows file details for directory contents. For example, the output includes permissions, ownership, date, etc.
  • -s lists the size of files, in blocks. Add -h to show the size in a humanly-readable form.

To navigate to a specific folder, use the cd command and a name or path of a directory.

Remember that the names are case sensitive. Use cd without a name or path to return to the user’s home directory.

Useful cd options include:

  • cd . go to the directory one level higher than your current location.
  • cd - switch to the previous directory.
  • cd / go to the root directory.

Use the cp command to copy a file or directory. You’ll need to include the name of the file and the target location.

To copy file1 from Desktop to Dir1, type in:

To change the name of file1 while copying it to another destination, use this format:

This command copies file1 to Dir1 with a name you specify.

To copy a directory and its contents, use the -r flag in this format:

The mv command works in the same manner as the copy command.

For instance, to move a file to another location, type in:

The touch command allows you to create a new file with any extension.

In the terminal, enter the following command:

For example, to create a system.log file, type in:

To create a directory, use the mkdir command. Enter a new directory name or full path in this format:


To delete a Linux file , use rm in this format:

In addition, you can enter a full path:

To delete a directory, add the -r flag to the rm command.

To view the status of all network adapters, use the ifconfig command. Moreover, when you don’t use any options with ifconfig, the output displays only active interfaces.

To clear the current working area of your bash screen, type clear in the shell. This command clears one portion of the screen and shifts up the previous output.

To remove the output from the terminal completely, use the reset command.

Run a Command on a Remote Server from a Local Computer

This method does not create a new shell. Instead, it runs a command and returns the user to the local prompt. You can create a file, copy files, or run any other SSH command in this format.

To remotely execute a command from the local machine, append an instruction to the SSH command. For example, to delete a file, type in:

Enter the password, and the file on the remote server will be deleted without creating a new shell.

The SSH tool comes with many optional parameters. The table below lists common SSH options and the corresponding descriptions.

SSH OptionDescription
-1Instructs ssh to use protocol version 1
-2Instructs ssh to use protocol version 2.
-4Permits only IPv4 addresses.
-6Permits only IPv6 addresses.
-AEnables authentication agent connection forwarding. Use this option with caution.
-aDisables authentication agent connection forwarding.
-b bind_addressUse this option on the local host with more than one address to set the source address of the connection.
-CEnables data compression for all files. Only to be used with slow connections.
-c cipher_specUse to select a cipher specification. List the values separated by a comma.
-E log_fileNameAttaches debug logs to log_file instead of standard error.
-fSends ssh to background, even before entering a password or passphrase.
-gPermits remote hosts to connect to ports forwarded on a local machine.
-qRuns ssh in quiet mode. It suppresses most error or warning messages.
-VDisplays the version of ssh tool and exits.
-vPrints debugging messages for ssh connection. The verbose mode is useful when troubleshooting configuration issues.
-XUse this option to enable X11 forwarding.
-xDisable X11 forwarding.

This article has covered the 19 most popular commands for using the SSH tool effectively. Now you can manage your server remotely with an added layer of security and have these commands at your fingertips.

Before executing these commands and options on a live server, we do recommend using a test machine first.

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Using Passwords

OpenSSL makes it easy to encrypt/decrypt files using a passphrase. Unfortunately, pass phrases are usually 'terrible' and difficult to manage and distribute securely.

To Encrypt a File

You can add -base64 if you expect the context of the text may be subject to being 'visible' to people (e.g., you're printing the message on a pbulic forum). If you do, you'll need to add it to the decoding step as well. You can choose from several cypers but aes-256-cbc is reasonably fast, strong, and widely supported. Base64 will increase the size of the encrypted file by approximately 30%

To Decrypt a File

You will need to provide the same password used to encrypt the file. All that changes between the encrypt and decrypt phases is the input/output file and the addition of the -d flag. If you pass an incorrect password or cypher then an error will be displayed.

Encrypting Files Using your RSA keys

RSA encryption can only work with very short sections of data (e.g. an SHA1 hash of a file, or a password) and cannot be used to encrypt a large file. The solution is to generate a strong random password, use that password to encrypt the file with AES-256 in CBC mode (as above), then encrypt that password with a public RSA key. The encrypted password will only decrypt with a matching public key, and the encrypted file will require the unique password encrypted in the by the RSA key.

Replace OpenSSL

The copy of OpenSSL bundled with Mac OS X has several issues. Mac OS X 10.7 and earlier are not PCI compliant. It is best to replace it. See here for details:

Generate Your Private/Public Key-pair

By default your private key will be stored in

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa : This is your private key and it must be kept secret
  • ~/.ssh/ : This is your public key, you can share it (for example) with servers as an authorized key for your account.You can change the location of where you store your keys, but this location is typical. Typically you want to ensure the private key is chmod 600, andd the public key is chmod 644.

Generate a PKCS8 Version of Your Public Key

The default format of isn't particularly friendly. If you are going to public your key (for example) on your website so that other people can verify the authorship of files attributed to you then you'll want to distribute it in another format. I find it useful to keep a copy in my .ssh folder so I don't have to re-generate it, but you can store it anywhere you like.

Generate a One-Time-Use Password to Encrypt the File

The passwords used to encrypt files should be reasonably long 32+ characters, random, and never used twice. To do this we'll generate a random password which we will use to encrypt the file.

This will generate 192 bytes of random data which we will use as a key. If you think a person may need to view the contents of the key (e.g., they're going to display it on a terminal or copy/paste it between computers) then you should consider base-64 encoding it, however:

  1. The password will become approximately 30% longer (and there is a limit to the length of data we can RSA-encrypt using your public key
  2. The password will be 'padded' with '=' characters if it's not a multiple of 4 bytes.

A Note on Long Passwords

There is a limit to the maximum length of a message that can be encrypted using RSA public key encryption. If you want to use very long keys then you'll have to split it into several short messages, encrypt them independently, and then concatinate them into a single long string. Decrypting the password will require reversing the technique: splitting the file into smaller chuncks, decrypting them independently, and then concatinating those into the original password key file.

Encrypt the File Using the Generated Key

Now that you have a good random password, you can use that to AES encrypt a file as seen in the 'with passwords' section

Decrypting the file works the same way as the 'with passwords' section, except you'll have to pass the key.

Encrypt the Key Used to Encrypt the File

We used fast symetric encryption with a very strong password to encrypt the file to avoid limitations in how we can use asymetric encryption. Finally, we'll use asymetric encryption to encrypt the password. This solves the problem of 'how do I safely transmit the password for the encrypted file' problem. You can encrypt is using the recipients public key and they can decode it using their private key. Encrypt the password using a public key:

The recipient can decode the password using a matching private key:

Open Ss Generate Public Rsa Key With Big Numbers

Package the Encrypted File and Key

There are a number of ways to do this step, but typically you'll want just a single file you can send to the recipent to make transfer less of a pain. Product key ms office 2010 generator. I'd recommend just making a tarball and delivering it through normal methods (email, sftp, dropbox, whatever). Though a secure method of exchange is obviously preferable, if you have to make the data public it should still be resistent to attempts to recover the information.

Ssh Rsa Key

The file can be extracted in the usual way:

You may want to securely delete the unecrypted keyfile as the recipient will be able to decode it using their private key and you already have the unencrypted data.