Which Tag Specifies A Key-pair Generator Field In A Form

Posted : admin On 13.12.2020

Trend.NXT HTML5 Mock Test

  1. HTML5 browsers support which technology?

    • CSS2
    • CSS3
    • CSS1
    • CSS2.5
  2. Which HTML5 form attribute is used to instruct browser automatically complete values based on values that the user has entered before

    • Autoaction
    • Autofocus
    • Autocomplete
    • Autovalidate
  3. Which HTML5 attribute specifies the URL of a file that will process the input control when the form is submitted

    • Formaction
    • Formenctype
    • Formmethod
    • Formvalidate
  4. What is the HTML5 syntax to enable autocomplete feature?

    • <input type = “text” name = “creditcardno” autocomplete = “1”>
    • <input type = “text” name = “creditcardno” autocomplete = “on”>
    • <input type = “text” name = “creditcardno” autocomplete = “true”>
    • <input type = “text” name = “creditcardno” autocomplete = “enable”>
  5. HTML5 attribute that specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form

    • Regular expression
    • Mandatory
    • Validate
    • Required
  6. Correct syntax in HTML5 for designing a telephone number field?

    • <input type = “telephone” name = “telephone”>
    • <input type = “tel” name = “telephone”>
    • <input type = “tele” name = “telephone”>
    • <input type = “phone” name = “telephone”>
  7. In HTML5, ------- tag is not supported?

    • Code
    • <basefont>
    • Base
    • Canvas
  8. Which HTML5 input type allows users to select a date and time with time zone?

    • Datetime
    • Datetime-local
    • Datetime-timezone
    • Datetime-zone
  9. Below is new HTML5 input type

    • Search
    • Block
    • Layout
    • List
  10. Which HTML5 input type allows a user to select a year and week

    • Input type = “yearandweek”
    • Input type = “weekandyear”
    • Input type = “weekyear”
    • Input type = “week”
  11. What type the input field has to be to contain email address

    • Email
    • Datetime-local
    • Datetime
    • Html
  12. How many video formats supported for <video> element

    • 4
    • 2
    • 3
    • 1
  13. How many audio formats supported for <audio> element

    • 4
    • 2
    • 3
    • 1
  14. Track tag

  15. Preload attribute of Audio tag

  16. Which is not semantic

    • <form>
    • <table>
    • <img>
    • <div>
  17. In HTML5, semantic element is used for defining marking or highlighting text?

    • <highlight>
    • <mark>
    • <markup>
    • <marktext>
  18. Which HTML5 element is used to define a caption for <figure> element?

    • <figtext>
    • <figurecaption>
    • <figcaption>
    • <figuretext>
  19. To draw straight lines on canvas, which methods are used?

    • moveTo(x,y) and lineTo(x,y)
    • moveTo(x,y)
    • moveTo(x,y) and strokeText(x,y)
    • lineTo(x,y)
  20. Which element in HTML5 is used to draw graphics?

    • <canvas>
    • <video>
    • <svg>
    • <audio>
  21. Which method in canvas is used to create a rectangle?

    • Rectangle(x,y,width,height)
    • Rect (x,y,width,height)
    • CreateRect (x,y,width,height)
    • CreateRectangle(x,y,width,height)
  22. Transformations in HTML5 are applied using

    • Transform
    • Canvas
    • Geolocation
    • Web Storage
  23. Which tag specifies a key-pair generator field in a form

    • <output>
    • <datalist>
    • <keygen>
    • <input>
  24. Where the keys are stored which has been generated using <keygen> element?

    • Private key is stored locally. public key is sent to the client
    • Private key is stored in server. public key is stored locally
    • Private key is sent to the client. public key is stored locally
    • Private key is stored locally. public key is sent to the server
  25. Use of <embed> tag?

    • Used to embed plugin
    • Used to embed text
    • Used to embed canvas
    • Used to embed JS
  26. Which tag defines a caption for <figure> element? https://toglarasu1972.wixsite.com/mysite/post/dell-optiplex-745-ethernet-controller-driver-download.

    • <form>
    • <figure>
    • <figcaption>
    • <output>
  27. Elements which are not supported in HTML5?

    • <font>
    • <q>
    • <menu>
    • <ins>
  28. HTML5 is a cooperation between WWW Consortium and

    • XML
    • XAML
    • HTML
    • WHATWG
  29. Which tag is obsolete and not supported in HTML5?

    • <dd>
    • <br>
    • <b>
    • <big>
  30. Out of following options, which is new element in HTML5?

    • <noframes>
    • <site>
    • <div>
    • <canvas>

When writing in HTML, the <keygen> tag is used to designate a key-pair generator field used within <form> tags. Upon submission, the public key is sent to the server while the private key is stored locally. They are useful for adding security to forms. The following sections contain information about the <keygen> tag, including an example of it in use, as well as related attributes and browser compatibility.

The tag is used within the element and defines fields for user input. The type of the field (text, checkbox, radio button, password field, etc.) is determined by the value of the type attribute. The tag doesn’t have a text content, it contains only attributes. It belongs to a tag group called form elements. Mar 01, 2017  The keygen element specifies a key-pair generator field in a form. When the form is submitted, two keys are generated, one private and one public. The private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server. The public key could be used to generate a client certificate to authenticate the user in the future.

  • The tag specifies a key-pair generator field used for forms. When the form is submitted, the private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server.
  • The keygen tag specifies a key-pair generator field used for forms. When the form is submitted, the private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server. When the form is submitted, the private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server.
  • Keygen – key-pair generator/input control NEW # T. The keygen element represents a control for generating a public-private key pair and for submitting the public key from that key pair.
  • The tag specifies a key-pair generator field in a form. When the form is submitted, two keys are generated, one private and one public. The private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server. The public key could be used to generate a client certificate to authenticate the user in the future.

The <keygen> tag belongs to a group of tags called form elements.

Example of <keygen >code

Which Tag Specifies A Key-pair Generator Field In A Form

Example result


Within an HTML tag, an attribute dictates certain aspects of an HTML element. Attributes are made up of a name and value pair; all tags support standard attributes. The following table shows all of the current unique HTML attributes for the <keygen> tag, as well as a description of each.

autofocusDesignates that an <keygen> element should be the first thing focused when the page loads.
challengeDesignates that the value of the <keygen> element should be double checked upon submission.
disabledDesignates that the <keygen> element is disabled.
formDesignates the form(s) containing the <keygen> element.
keytypeDesignates the security algorithm to be used with the key.
nameDesignates a name for the <keygen> element.


Which Tag Specifies A Key-pair Generator Field In A Format

EdgeInternet ExplorerFirefoxSafariOperaChrome
All versionsNot supported1.0+1.2+3.0+1.0+

Additional form elements

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