Github Generate Ssh Public Key
Posted : admin On 15.12.2020SSH keys come in pairs, a public key that gets shared with services like GitHub, and a private key that is stored only on your computer. If the keys match, you're granted access. The cryptography behind SSH keys ensures that no one can reverse engineer your private key from the public one. Generating an SSH key. /camtasia-studio-9-key-generator.html. How to Generate SSH key for Git. SSH keys are an access credential used in SSH protocol (Secure Shell) which is a network protocol that helps to login from one computer to another securely, as well as to manage networks, operating systems, and configurations. Download firefox 54 for mac.
Generate SSH public keypair from SSH RSA/DSA/EC private key in Scala
Github Create Public Ssh Key
Ssh Key Github{DataOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, StringReader} |{ECPublicKey, DSAParams, DSAPublicKey, RSAPublicKey} | | |
importorg.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 |
importorg.bouncycastle.openssl.{PEMKeyPair, PEMParser} |
objectgenPubSSHKey { |
/** |
* Generates a public key from a SSH private key. |
* @paramprivateKey A RSA/DSA/EC private key |
* @return SSH encoded public key |
*/ |
defgetPublicKey(privateKey: String):String= { |
valkp:PEMKeyPair=newPEMParser(newStringReader(privateKey)).readObject().asInstanceOf[PEMKeyPair] |
valx509=newX509EncodedKeySpec(kp.getPublicKeyInfo.getEncoded) |
valkeyFactory=if (privateKey.startsWith('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----')) { |
KeyFactory.getInstance('RSA') |
} elseif (privateKey.startsWith('-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----')) { |
KeyFactory.getInstance('DSA') |
} elseif (privateKey.startsWith('-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----')) { |
KeyFactory.getInstance('EC') |
} else { |
thrownewException('Incompatible SSH key algorithm') |
} |
encodePublicKey(keyFactory.generatePublic(x509),'ozone') |
} |
privatedefencodePublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey, user: String):String= { |
varpublicKeyEncoded:String=null |
if (publicKey.getAlgorithm 'RSA') { |
valrsaPublicKey:RSAPublicKey= publicKey.asInstanceOf[RSAPublicKey] |
valbyteOs:ByteArrayOutputStream=newByteArrayOutputStream |
valdos:DataOutputStream=newDataOutputStream(byteOs) |
dos.writeInt('ssh-rsa'.getBytes.length) |
dos.write('ssh-rsa'.getBytes) |
dos.writeInt(rsaPublicKey.getPublicExponent.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(rsaPublicKey.getPublicExponent.toByteArray) |
dos.writeInt(rsaPublicKey.getModulus.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(rsaPublicKey.getModulus.toByteArray) |
publicKeyEncoded =newString(Base64.encodeBase64(byteOs.toByteArray)) |
s'ssh-rsa $publicKeyEncoded user' |
} |
elseif (publicKey.getAlgorithm 'DSA') { |
valdsaPublicKey:DSAPublicKey= publicKey.asInstanceOf[DSAPublicKey] |
valdsaParams:DSAParams= dsaPublicKey.getParams |
valbyteOs:ByteArrayOutputStream=newByteArrayOutputStream |
valdos:DataOutputStream=newDataOutputStream(byteOs) |
dos.writeInt('ssh-dss'.getBytes.length) |
dos.write('ssh-dss'.getBytes) |
dos.writeInt(dsaParams.getP.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(dsaParams.getP.toByteArray) |
dos.writeInt(dsaParams.getQ.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(dsaParams.getQ.toByteArray) |
dos.writeInt(dsaParams.getG.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(dsaParams.getG.toByteArray) |
dos.writeInt(dsaPublicKey.getY.toByteArray.length) |
dos.write(dsaPublicKey.getY.toByteArray) |
publicKeyEncoded =newString(Base64.encodeBase64(byteOs.toByteArray)) |
s'ssh-dss $publicKeyEncoded $user' |
} elseif (publicKey.getAlgorithm 'EC') { |
valecPublicKey:ECPublicKey= publicKey.asInstanceOf[ECPublicKey] |
valbyteOs:ByteArrayOutputStream=newByteArrayOutputStream |
valdos:DataOutputStream=newDataOutputStream(byteOs) |
valcurveName= ecPublicKey.getParams.getCurve.getField.getFieldSize match { |
case256=>'nistp256' |
case384=>'nistp384' |
case521=>'nistp521' |
case _ =>thrownewException('Unknown curvesize') |
} |
valfullName=s'ecdsa-sha2-$curveName' |
dos.writeInt(fullName.getBytes.length) |
dos.write(fullName.getBytes) |
dos.writeInt(curveName.getBytes.length) |
dos.write(curveName.getBytes) |
valgroup= ecPublicKey.getW |
valelementSize:Int= (ecPublicKey.getParams.getCurve.getField.getFieldSize +7) /8 |
valM:Array[Byte] =newArray[Byte](2* elementSize +1) |
M(0) =0x04.toByte |
valaffineX:Array[Byte] = group.getAffineX.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ 0x00) |
Array.copy(affineX, 0, M, 1+ elementSize - affineX.length, affineX.length) |
valaffineY:Array[Byte] = group.getAffineY.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ 0x00) |
Array.copy(affineY, 0, M, 1+ elementSize + elementSize - affineY.length, affineY.length) |
dos.writeInt(M.length) |
dos.write(M) |
publicKeyEncoded =newString(Base64.encodeBase64(byteOs.toByteArray)) |
s'$fullName $publicKeyEncoded $user' |
} |
else { |
thrownewIllegalArgumentException('Unknown public key encoding: '+ publicKey.getAlgorithm) |
} |
} |
} |
Github Generate Ssh Public Key Format
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